Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Fire of Revival


Having a leadership role never makes us better, more spiritual, nor more deserving than others in any way neither does it allow us to have our own way because we are in a power position. Leadership should make us humble realizing our need for Christ to be in control of us. Leadership should cause us to count the cost our decisions have on those we lead, especially the young and tender among us who cannot yet spiritually discern. As leaders we will always, always be made accountable before a Holy God who will not share HIS GLORY with another, therefore we should always be open to HIS correction.

Proverbs 3:5&6 should always be our guide. And servant leadership, preferring others above ourselves, washing the feet of others, and loving one another are always going to illuminate Christ to those we serve, and serve we try our best to serve our Risen Saviour.

Never underestimate the power of Christ in those around you, a 13 year old girl stood up in an old fashioned preaching/prayer service in 1904, she simply stated:
"I do love the Lord Jesus Christ with all my heart" In the presence of Evan Roberts (Revivalist) as he asked this small group of young people to share anything that had happened to them in connection to their religion, God started one of the greatest moves of his spirit of modern times known as the Welsh Revival (more than 150,000 souls saved) as the Holy Spirit used an unsuspecting lay person,  a young teenaged girl named Florrie Evans.

God can bring Revival at anytime through a willing vessel, Evan Roberts had simply prayed that God would bend people, then he asked God to bend him. Are you willing to pray this today, that Revival might start with you?

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

How Big is YOUR God?

How often does God show you through very small, seemingly insignificant encounters, just how big he is? 

Zechariah 4:10 " Who has despised the day of small things?"

   On Friday, on a normal ride home from school Sarah and Ariana getting ready for Ariana's big birthday party on Saturday I asked Sarah to stop by the grocery store. I told her the closest one was fine, but we decided to go to Safeway.  (Not the closest to where we were, Set Up No.1)
   So off we go in our own directions to each pick up somethings we need. I am in the produce aisle grabbing a bag of salad, and I hear someone behind me compliment me on my hair. I am blessed and this happens many times when I am out and about, and it has started many conversations over the years, so this time was nothing new.
   As I turned around a gentlemen in a motorized wheel chair was passing me smiling as he spoke to me. He told me he meant no harm (this too has been said many times). I told him I understood and thank you. God gave it to me as my glory and I see it that way! We exchanged praises, and went our way (or so I thought). So when I got in line, guess who I was behind? We began chatting again, about the heart, a young police woman ahead of us joined our conversation and we had a time!! I found out he wrote several books, I gave them both my card, and I even prayed a protection blessing over the officer before she left, yes all this happened in line...nothing new in my world!!
   When I got out to the car, Donald Downing called me to his car and said he wanted to give me one of his books. We spoke another minute, and we were homeward bound with Sarah shaking her head (not in a mean way)at me, as if to say, here we go again! Little did I know God was about to reveal a hidden treasure in my own heart!

So fast forward to Monday morning, I am sitting reflecting on God, not having to be anywhere, 9:30 my phone is Don Downing. He told me he wanted to know if I had looked at the book at all, and then he promoted his book ministry to me, which I understand completely since I too call folks to promote New York Life. We share a few God stories, and he begins to ask me if I have ever thought about writing? I told him I have since I was young, that I have a blog, but I have many times wondered about how to even start writing a book...long story short, it's obvious he has connections he has written 38 books, and he tells me to write down what he calls the Writers Code, I know by now this is God speaking to something no one else really knows this is a "bucket list" dream of mine! But to put the icing on the cake, Mr. Downing after he tells me this Writers Code, which I am somewhat familiar with, he says let me give you and example:
   Suppose you have a ring, and an incredible story to go with it....Wait, What? Are you kidding me right now!!  ( I will tell it another day, SOON!)
  Actually, I do have a ring story and it is pretty incredible! As a matter of fact it is certainly one of the top incredible stories of my life!! And he knew nothing about it.  And (at a venture he drew his bow back 1 Kings 22:34) and that is the analogy he decided to use??? Well that arrow certainly hit the mark, because I knew only God could set this up and it may have happened it what seems like a random fashion, BUT it was intentional, and intently personal, and I know God was certainly directly speaking to me through a complete stranger who happened to pick a ring as an example! WHAT!! Even when you have seen God do these kinds of things time and again, it NEVER EVER GETS OLD!! You mean he would go to these lengths to speak to me about something that I haven't even prayed about anytime recently but have hid in my heart in times past??????? YES, that is exactly what it means, and it's what happened, so here I am writing in my blog again....really after years of silence. 
WOW just WOW, can anyone understand the marvelous mystery of his ways, they are certainly past finding out, until he wants us too!  
    And I am thinking....don't I have enough new in my life to focus on and conquer right now? Apparently not!  To Be Continued....

Friday, August 19, 2016

You Never Know

Life gets busy, new becomes old, our direction and focus change. What's really amazing about life and it's twists and turns, are the way opportunity, time and chance bring us full circle. I haven't written in this blog for more than 4 years.  3 more amazing grandchildren have been born, each as important as the first who I obviously gushed over in previous posts, and another due in December.
both my parents now reside in heaven , I have had a significant career change (for the better),  after a very difficult time, with an even more difficult person who helped me get out of my comfort zone and move up and on! I have been blessed to be on many vacations with family, I have watched a new church birth into an amazing life center,  I have cultivated several new friendships and even seen another women's group not only get started, but begin an amazing path of sharing and bonding. Yet for some unknown reason, none of these significant life events, and all the intricate details that are certainly worthy of being captured here, none have caused me to come back here until today.
I just came through a beautiful, messy time in which my adult son and his wife came to live with me, in order to speed up their dream of a lifetime, which was fulfilled yesterday in the purchase of an 8 acre farm of their dreams. Eventful as it was, that cannot boast as the reason to again write.
So here it is:
As my 6yr and 3 yr old granddaughters sleep in my bed, for my "Got my house back, All by my own party" (only discerned by prior private jokes never afore here mentioned), I am actually able to get up and enjoy unfettered quiet time! I have longed for this day for months! Never did I imagine I would be brought to this place to capture it in words! I imagined, grateful prayer time, check! I imagined finding some, obscure, meaningful scripture, check! Possibly even beginning to journal again.... But Blogging? Never. Crossed. My. Mind.
So as Zechariah has warned us in 10:4 not to despise the day of small things, because through the tiny task of holding the plumb line, Zarubbabel built a wall...somehow by striking the letters of the keyboard this morning, God is creating a contrast that I do not yet understand, but somehow know as clear as day it is him who has brought me here. In fact it has always been him that brings me here. I hope soon the meaning unfolds, until then I will simply, honestly and faithfully, maybe not daily, but faithfully come here and share at his leading!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Easter Lily

                                  ~~The Easter Lily~~
           For many the beautiful trumpet-shaped flowers symbolize:
                                  The Essence of Easter

History, literature, poetry and the world of art overflow with stories

 and images that speak of the beauty and majesty of the elegant white

 flowers. Often called the “White-Robed Apostles of Hope,” lilies were

found growing in the Garden of Gethsemane after Christ’s agony. 

      Tradition has it that the beautiful white lilies sprung up where

 drops of Christ’s sweat fell to the ground in his final hours of sorrow

 and deep distress. Churches continue this tradition at Easter time by

 banking their altars & surrounding their crosses with masses of 

Easter Lilies, to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ &

                                   hope of life everlasting.

        Be  Blessed with Peace, Hope & Love this Resurrection Week

Monday, April 2, 2012

The Winding Road of Life...

          There have been portions of the road, that have been laden with burdens and  seemingly insurmountable obstacles...

                                         Other times the path has been straight and sure...

                       There have been some portions that have been dark, with no end in sight....

And sometimes I was definitely between a rock and a hard place, the walls seems to be pressing in...

But there have also been those places where the truth unfolded like the petals of a blooming rose...

And certainly the path has turned to find the sunrise, and all the hope and promise of a new day....

Today has been a day that is a culmination of all the other days, the winding Road seen as the whole that opens into a clearing and explains the whole of the former path, and sheds light on the latter yet to come.....

A day which everything up until this moment becomes CRYSTAL~CLEAR, and good or bad it makes sense, and understanding why is obvious, and the future is full of expectation, without fear, because God is my portion and he has lead me all the way and will until faith is made sight, and I see him face to face.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed,
because his compassions fail not

I love the beauty and newness of the seashore at sunrise,
it always reminds me of how each new day starts fresh, new, with a clean slate.

What is sometimes hard, is how long some things take,
to meet the morning that finally wipes it out!

Marks almost 2 years of waiting, for the sunrise to rise on the day that would finally bring a most hurtful chapter of life, full circle and to a long awaited close. Interestingly enough it was a day that started overcast and dreary not promising anything different than the last 2 years had held. As a matter of fact, the enemy worked overtime all day to make believe it was a day that would concrete and soldify the hurt one more time and forever. I am here to say, The Devil IS a Liar and the father of them! As the clouds literally loomed all day, and in the corners of my mind as well, they gave way to snow and a dreaded covering much like the thoughts of events so long ago that covered me many,many days.

Jesus came to set the captives free and whosoever the son makes free, is free indeed! Lord thank you that even after you set us free by giving us salvation, you come back around, and set us free from the prisons we not only set up for ourselves, but that we sit imprisoned in as we hold our own prison keys.

You did hear the cries of my heart and you do in your own time, and on the SONRISE of your choosing perfect that which concerns me! I am overwhelmed with gratitude at you many undeserved kindnesses to me! And that the day has dawned on the sunrise that I have waited so long for, GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS, Lord unto me!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

What if??

I know the cross is foolishness to those who do not believe, I know those who do not believe think they are right. I sure did and was willing to say it without reservation. But the fact that we all start out with an inner voice, God-conscienceness. That tells me at sometime before we press down that inner voice, before he is quenched and grieved, I believe he causes all of us to sometime ask ourselves, WHAT IF I'M WRONG!! We ask ourselves that question about such lesser things, I know I asked myself that question, and even deeper and to the point, I know God directly asked me that question WHAT IF YOU ARE WRONG? So is it just me or did you come to the place where you asked that of yourself, or did he ask that of you? And did that help to further draw you to him, or do you stand in the crowd that says we believe foolishness....and if you do stand with that crowd ARE YOU SURE 100% I believe it was Fanny Crosby (blind writer of many old hymns)...that said she was so sure she would swing over top of hell singing "Blessed Assurance" By the way, God says it is the FOOL who says in his heart there is no God, not those who believe in the cross, everyone becomes a believer at death, not everyone rejoices in it though! A one second after death conversion is no conversion at all but is eternal damnation, knowing the truth and knowing you are separated from God forever because you rejected his call to you......So ask yourself honestly no-one but you and God present........WHAT IF YOU ARE WRONG?
