Every time I start to think I am trusting God completely, you can bet I am in for a new stretching of my faith!! I have been praying and receiving amazing answers from God beyond imagination for years. I do not know if I have ever in my life wanted something for someone else, with everything that is in me........so wouldn't it just figure that it would be someone that has pulled at my heart strings for as long as they have had life and breath!
This story deserves to be told from the beginning, I believe it will paint a picture that will make "clear" my heart. So way back on Thursday November 6, 1988 I had 2 of the most incredible things happen in one day, and by the way I DO NOT BELIEVE IN COINCIDENCES! I was asked if I died that day did I know for sure I would go to heaven, which led to me receiving Christ that night. I also found out I was pregnant with my youngest child Sarah. The 9 months that I was carrying her, God was carrying me into the life he purposed for me, one that many have said I am crazy for and some have turned their backs on me! I am sure many times I have fallen down, and made my share of mistakes...but I have never turned my back on God, as Peter said to whom would we go?
Well as we fast forward I tried my best over the years, through many trials and tribulations to teach my 3 children that God is Real, and he hears our prayers! As I grew in Christ they grew in stature....with their own personalities it was very evident to all that little Miss Sarah loved baby dolls and that would continue as she became everyone's favorite babysitter. She would write stories in school saying that when she grew up she wanted to be a mom and a babysitter.
( I had the great blessing of being a stay at home mom until she was 12 yrs old). On Thursday March 4, 2010 my beautiful daughter Sarah gave birth to my first grandchild "Ariana Lynn" which means "Holy Beautiful" And beautiful she is, my prayer is that she will live her life "Holy Beautiful" before the Lord.
There has never been a doubt in any person that knows Sarah that she was born to be a mom and a great one! Even in the 3 short weeks of Ariana's life it is clear that Sarah is far more comfortable with her baby and how to care for her than any brand new first time mom you have ever seen! ( Yes I know I am partial, but many others could testify of the validity of these words!!) Everyone knows that she is supposed to stay home and take care of her daughter, we have all known it for a very long time!! That also includes her husband! Let me say I love my son-in-law he is a good young man, he loves his God and my daughter, and loves his new baby. I can see outside looking in, that Sarah's heart is breaking because she does not want to go back to work, he is adamant that she will. Oh if I ever wanted to come to my daughters rescue in life it is now, but sadly I know outwardly I cannot. My prayer going to bed and waking is for Kenny's faith to be increased so that he can see God's provision for them. In a world that screams you must have this and you must have that, this is a battle that will be fought and won in prayer alone, for I believe he is making a decision from fear, not faith.........Mine is not the only faith being stretched, and I also know mine is not the one that will be stretched the most.... clearly God's only answer is "Be Still and Know that I am God" I know he is God, I am having trouble with the Be Still part......part of being still is being quiet and letting him handle it!! I have been spending many nights at my house, alone. (Their house is one street over from mine) If I stay home I can't say the wrong thing. But I know God wants me to enjoy my Daughter, Son-in-law and little Ariana while he works out the circumstances,and works on the hearts and teaches each one of us, those life lessons that cause each one to draw closer to him. I do believe that Psalms 37:4 is absolutely true today "Delight thyself also in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart........and wouldn't you know it the very next verse is my life verse Psalms 37:5 " COMMIT thy ways unto him; TRUST also in him; and he WILL bring it to pass" 2conditions, 1 promise COMMIT & TRUST he WILL. Wow I do not know about you but just writing that caused me to quiet down on the inside, right now I can "Be Still" I do KNOW he is God..................the end of the story is never until the last page is published, this is the first one.
God knows, and time will tell..............and much prayer will be given until the time God reveals his will..