We all have a desire to look just right, you know not over dress, or under dress but to fit right in. Have you ever asked a friend or family member what they were wearing to gauge your own choice?? I am pretty sure we all have! So it got me thinking about our dress rituals, and how important looking good really is to us. O we spend a great deal of time looking for that perfect outfit, and when we are ready to wear it, even more time in preparation and primping. We judge each other on this one area of life with just a passing glance. We have cliches, careers and churches that dictate what we should and should not wear, and step out of line in one of those venues and literally you could be banished forever, we know we certainly better get on board! All you have to do is watch the previews to one of these new "reality" shows like Housewives of Orange County to see what this idea morphes into, or in my thinking degenerates into. I have to chuckle when it's even called Reality, let me tell you not in my world! Sadly though I know it is the reality of many! I can picture this starting with Adam & Eve (and it does) going around the garden trying on different leaves if you will, that was their remedy! We let our perceptions become our realities, and there are some pretty warped realities out there! That may sound judgemental to some and I am willing to take that risk, knowing where I am headed with this.
I am here today to think in an entirely different direction and dimension. First of all let's go back and realize the first clothing was coats of skins, of innocent animals that had to die so that God could show Adam & Eve just how horrific their sin really was to him. and let us also remember that, that was a picture of us being robed in the only thing that could cover our sin, and that is the righteousness of Jesus Christ that he gave to us when he was horrifically sacrificed (as those first animals pictured) as the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all mankind. The bible talks about Solomon in all his glory not being clothed like the lilies of the field, it also tells us about a wedding and the refusal of some to wear the "given" garment but deciding to wear their own and being cast out into outer darkness. It also give us our example today in Isaiah 59:16-21 Jesus Christ coming to our rescue in his Armor, that when he ascended up he left with us, so that we would STAND!
The bible speaks about being clothed, metaphorically, and as it paints a picture of the Roman Soldier, I submit that it is real and it is a necessary apparel for today in the here and now of 2010. Much more than anything we will ever substitute it with from the mall and fashion magazines. So I would like to start here with a spiritual dress code (that is not new at all) one that in these last days will be essential to victorious living, and being more than conquerors through him that loved us. Romans 13:12 KJV The night is far spent the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.
Let's look at it this way, when you get up in the morning, what do you do? You Put off your night clothes, Right? All God is saying here is to put off your night clothes (works of darkness). We must first recognize and agree with God (that is literally what repentance is), not what we choose to believe about God or how we feel or think or even what we've heard, but what lines up with his word and his Holy Spirit in our lives.....So PUT OFF those things that don't agree, in morning devotion and prayer, that is the whole reason we wake up to God and his Word. So as we are cleansed with the washing of water, by the word (SHOWERED if you will) Ephesians 5:25-27 (in context of the church. i.e. the body, & marriage) So as we are changed from one level of glory to another level of glory...
2 Corinthians 3:18 we are now ready and able to get dressed. It is God's will to dress you every morning in the armor of light that he tells us to (willingly put on)
let us put on...has the idea of sinking down into, just like the sunsets down into the horizon literally. (if you have ever watched the sunset into the sea, you will have the picture I am talking about). This conjures for me the idea of disappearing into the armour of light, letting it take us over, losing ones self. Letting God's will rule and guarding it and it's preciousness with each and every piece of the armour of light that we are called to be clothed with.
Ephesians 6:10 Finally may be rendered, "from now on" or "henceforth" The Spiritual battle we are engaged in exists from now on...until the Lord returns for us, until then and right up to it is all out war. We are not in battle with a foe that plays by the rules he is malicious, and wants to take you down that is a fact! We do not fight a foe you can see with your natural eye but with your spiritual eye sight. So take unto you the WHOLE armour of God. It is God's armour, given to you as a joint heir with Christ, Isaiah 59:16-21 speaks of Christ and his putting on his armour........follow your example christian.......would you go out with your hair unbrushed, or your make-up not on....this is far more important not to leave home without. "That you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand". This implies that there will be no other way to make it and withstanding is a defensive term, you will have to defend the faith you have and the ground you have gained in your walk with Christ, and you will have to pull out all the weaponry to stand. Having your loins girt with truth, not only do you need the word of God which is the truth free flowing all around you but you will need to walk in it (apply) the truth you know, while you learn new truth everyday! This belt of truth is so important, just like your belt it holds the rest of your (outfit),(armor) together.
You will need to know your standing in Christ, and I am convinced the breast plate of righteousness is not practical righteousness (your own) but positional righteousness (Christ's) the righteousness given in exchange at salvation for our sin debt. The righteousness we do not earn, but are freely given. The righteousness that lets us know we are accepted (approved) in the beloved. It is critical that in our heart we know our standing in Christ and his unconditional love for us, so that we have the courage, confidence and strength to endure hardness as a good soldier.
Our feet are to be shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace(bound under) in other words peace is bound under our feet, we have authority over peace,
1: because he made peace for us through the blood of his cross and we have overcome, but also,
2: we need to be prepared to take that peace to a lost and dying world. This is how we gain ground for the kingdom of God. I have read that the roman soldiers shoes were the most important part of their armor, they were strapped up to the knees (greaves) (which were like soccer shin guards) Usually made of brass to protect against traps set along the paths, and also they were cleated on the bottom to hold ground and also some were cleated so as to not allow backward motion only forward.....think about that as it pertains to our walk with Christ. If their feet or lower legs were injured (taken out) they would be rendered helpless... the same for us.... the Christian life is a forward motion. Above all, has the idea of more necessary than all else,1 John 5:4 For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Think about a soldier for a moment, his sword is in his strong arm, which arm is his shield in, his weak one or it covers his weaknesses or weak side. It is our defense, and the shield spoken of here is a large rectangular shield as large as a door, when troops put them together they could advance behind a large wall of protection. I have also read in commentaries that they would rub or (anoint the shield with oil to blind the enemy with the suns reflection.....go ahead sink into that for a moment, who did oil represent in the bible, the Holy Spirit? and if your faith is Spirit filled and led it does become blinding to our enemy, and will quench all the fiery darts thrown at you. The helmet of Salvation is a right knowledge of who you are in Christ and will protect your thought life which I believe is the frontline battle ground. 2Corinthians 10:4(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; In battle a head shot is almost always a fatal blow, and there is no difference in the Christian's life. You must guard your heart and mind(your thought life) with all diligence for out of it come the issues of life, that will either make us or break us! Now onto our 2 offensive weapons
1:the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God...2 things here this sword is (makira) a short sword or dagger, used skillfully for close in hand to hand combat. the implication is that you not only know the word of God but can apply it to the situation at hand correctly, and that brings us to another important point: the Word of God is (rhema) the spoken word, so it is not just head knowledge but the ability to speak the word of God directly to the confrontation and to those around us, and speaking it from the heart backed up by actions!! Which brings us to the other offensive weapon:
2: Prayer! Praying always in the Spirit with perseverance for ALL saints. It is our duty to pray for our needs and others,together and individually, as we are led by the Spirit of God.Think about a battle field for a moment, you are not out there alone their are many fighting right alongside of you, and prayer serves as the help you can give while you are fighting your own battle, but you can see (with spiritual eyes and discernment) that those around you are in need and the enemies closing in on them.You may not have time in the battle to stop and ask how can I pray (help) for you, you will many times need to rely on discernment, Through the Word of God and prayer, those are, and will be the only sure ways you will know the leading of the Spirit of God, in order to be effective in prayer and setting captive free from the clutches of the enemy through salvation, you must be led of the Spirit for he knows when and how to take new ground while defending the ground and progress already made........He will lead us(notice it is us not me) to victory, we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.( more than implies overwhelming or surpassing victory) We all know that you don't wear a formal gown to an outside picnic anymore than you would wear cut-off shorts to a wedding or funeral. We need to be Spiritually clothed everyday, in order to be victorious for Christ, ARE YOU FULLY DRESSED TODAY, HAVING PUT OFF YOUR NIGHT CLOTHES AND PREPARED YOURSELF DAILY FOR THE BATTLE FOR SOULS AND FOR THE FURTHERANCE OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD? IT BECOMES CHILDREN OF LIGHT TO BE DRESSED AND PREPARED EVERYDAY! SO DRESS FOR SUCCESS TODAY!!