I read in a book years ago, that when you love much, you can expect that those around generally will not love to the same degree when you yourself are in need of being acknowledged or to feel special, and when it comes time for people to reciprocate, they will not as a general rule. It goes on to say, do not be hurt, discouraged, or bitter. Resolve to know it within yourself and choose to love greatly anyway! Experiencing love to this degree is reward in itself, and I can attest that it is indeed. This is true agape love and you experience the same heartache Christ does with his children.It goes further to say it is still better to be the one who greatly loves and to experience the heartache that comes when others let you down. I have tried very hard over the years to live by this mantra. I have done my best to "Hope thou in God" and rejoice in knowing that this pain that you
sometimes experience is entering into the fellowship of his sufferings.
Personally over the years and recently I can say I KNOW this is the right attitude and God delights in us as we walk this path and has special things planned for us no man can match! My heart is sinking in one of those times right now, and it is hard to process at the moment, I can easily pick up this cross for myself, I have experienced it many times over the years and have learned to delight in the Lord, and he WILL give me the (deepest longings and desires) of my heart that no-one can know, that is not my struggle today. Mine is to watch a "younger, less experienced person with a deep capacity to love struggle with this not for the first time, but for what seems like one of the deepest times. My heart breaks for this unnamed person who freely gives of his/herself all the time(trying to stay gender neutral and keep anonimity). I pray that just as the Lord has rescued me from the pit of self-doubt and self-pity ( a party no-one wants to show up for) he in turn will be faithful and I know he will, to teach this underling to continue forward and to love much, it is a true and rich blessing in itself, that truly Waters deep the soul!
To all those who understand the depth of God's word when he says many waters cannot quench love, Pull out your most beautiful watering can, and know that for a moment of time God says it is okay to turn it upon yourself and drink deep from the spring of "living" water that springs up unto eternal life. Love Deeply, Drink Freely...from the well that will never run dry, no matter the drought around you! Very quickly you will be rejuvenated, and you will look outward for those who are floundering in that same drought, but do not know how to save themselves, let alone anyone else. Before you know it you will once again be on the track of being the spring of eternal life that people grow accustomed to drinking from, because dear ones it is what you were born for and who you were purposed to be!
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